ESG program

Driving sustainability and innovation for our environment and society

Green logistics begins at our doorstep. Recognizing its importance as a social and business necessity, stow has made Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles a top corporate priority. Over the past years, we’ve integrated these principles into our daily operations, establishing a strategic roadmap, identifying key material factors, and setting measurable KPIs in collaboration with stakeholders at various levels.

Throughout 2023 a materiality assessment was conducted, identifying key domains of material importance to the Stow Group and its stakeholders. On the basis of this materiality assessment, the following eight key domains are the building blocks of our sustainability strategy which is being rolled out:

The building blocks of our sustainability strategy

For each building block, a number of strategically important KPIs were selected. These KPIs serve as guidance for achieving our ESG goals in the coming years.

We believe that Sustainability is key for the success of our business and is imbedded in the Group’s strategy, which is also reflected in our ESG governance structure consisting of an ESG Project Leader supervising workstream sponsors and leaders and working closely together with the Group Executive Team.

Whilst KPI target setting is ongoing, a large range of initiatives were already launched with a clear focus on energy, safety and people

To enhance mobility, capacity, and sustainability, we’ve opted for waterway shipments as a durable alternative to road transport. Metal coils are shipped from the production site to the customer site, using trucks only for last-mile delivery. As a result, the equivalent of 53 trucks are combined in one boat transport.

In Dottignies, Belgium, 7,000 solar panels were installed in mid-2023. These solar panels cover an area of 22,000 m² and provide enough energy for 750 households per year. This amounts to 20% of total energy needs.

Furthermore, we are advancing towards our target of a fully electric fleet by 2028, starting with our current fleet of over 170 cars. Since 2023, we’ve installed over 30 double charging stations and a fast-charger at the stow and Movu parking sites.

Technologically, the Movu atlas pallet shuttle exemplifies our commitment to sustainability, offering significant advantages over stacker cranes by consuming less energy and strongly reducing the carbon footprint of warehouse operations.

By embedding ESG principles into our operations, stow is committed to creating a sustainable future and driving innovative green logistics solutions.