Amare Safety and stow Australia have had an excellent business relationship for many years. We rely on Amare Safety for our staffs’ personal protective safety equipment and Amare Safety relies on stow Australia as their trusted racking and storage solutions provider.

Recently, Amare Safety moved their Head Office and warehouse from Mulgrave to Rowville and as part of the move relied on stow Australia to buy back their old racking and to design and install a complete racking and storage solution that would help them to increase their productivity and efficiency. The designed solution encompasses over 2000 pallet positions, selective racking, bridge bays, Rosss shelving, coat hanging rails and a Carton Live Storage (CLS) system.
The CLS system according to Paul Anderson from Amare Safety is “excellent for stock rotation and managing products that expire and go out-of-date.” It is equipped with flow-beds and built-in roller tracks. The roller beds are adjusted with a small pitch in height to guarantee the optimum slope.
“We really like working with Rod Elliott (stow’s National Construction Manager); he’s straight up and down, there’s no bull in the onsite meetings and even when there were some problems with stock availability, he helped us to work through it and meet our critical deadlines.”