ESG at stow: solar panels

ESG at stow: solar panels

ESG at stow: solar panels

Our installation of 7000 solar panels at Dottignies factory

In a significant stride towards supporting environmental goals, stow recently completed the installation of 7000 solar panels on the factory in Dottignies. “Covering an expansive roof surface of 22,000 square meters, this initiative aligns seamlessly with the company’s commitment to the ESG principles,” says Stijn Vanneste, COO stow Group.

This output is equivalent to the yearly
electricity needs of 750 Belgian households.

With ample roof space at their disposal, the decision to opt for solar panels was a logical one for the stow Group. The installation process spanned two and a half months, during which the primary challenge was to seamlessly integrate the project into the fully operational factory, considering the associated logistic constraints and the imperative to avoid production shutdowns.

The driving force behind this endeavor lies in stow’s ESG focus on energy, energy reduction, consumption, and CO2 emission reduction. This solar panel installation stands out as our most substantial project in the realm of electricity. The 7000 panels are anticipated to generate approximately 2600 megawatt-hours, constituting an impressive 20% of the annual electricity consumption at the plant. To put this into perspective, this output is equivalent to the yearly electricity needs of 750 Belgian households.

Awaiting the completion of the grid connection in the coming months, stow envisions a remarkable contribution to their sustainability goals. Reducing CO2 emissions is a paramount step forward, signaling the company’s dedication not only to its own advancement but also to the greater cause of preserving the planet. At stow, the integration of ESG principles isn’t just a commitment; it’s a serious and impactful endeavor.