stow Silo is our solution where the racking becomes the load-bearing construction of the warehouse.

The roof and wall cladding are directly fixed to the racking structure. The racking is designed not only to outstand loads such as pallets, cranes, conveyors etc but also external forces such as wind, rain, lightning etc.

Each stow Silo construction is designed independently due to the changing specifications. The pallet weight, size and product type impact the final design and materials used in the construction of silo. Longitudinal and Horizontal bracings, high quality SIGMA beams and anchorage systems fully ensure the stability of the structure. Both the walls and roof are reinforced with sub structures (steel) in the front and rear zone of the construction.

Multi deep Clad Rack warehouse

Scope of stow Australia’s Silo Design

  • Platforms, maintenance and conveyors are designed as part of the Silo Construction
  • Staircases, towers and ladders can be included in the design
  • Top Rails and Guides for Cranes
  • Safety and protection equipment are included in every design to meet Australian Standards.


  • Individually designed and tailored solution to meet your exact needs
  • Wall Cladding and Roof are directly attached to the racking
  • Cost effective solution